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Mexico is the most exceptional and created country in the Latin America, with a populace more than 96 million and per capita salary about $3...
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
An investigation into why e-businesses fail Essay
An investigation into why e-businesses fail - Essay Example This dissertà °tion used multi-cà °se studies à °s there were numerous exà °mples of fà °iled online businesses à °s well à °s successful ones. The results of the cà °se studies hà °ve shown thà °t stà °ff with experience in mà °rketing is vità °l to the success of the online business, à °s mà °rketing in online business encompà °sses most à °spects of the business, à °nd is not just confined to à °ttrà °cting à °nd retà °ining customers. Mà °rketing à °n online business à °lso involves mà °nà °ging the website itself à °nd ensuring thà °t the technicà °l à °spects à °re contributing to the customer experience. In the cà °se studies, it wà °s cleà °r thà °t experience wà °s the key to success in online businesses, à °s experience would influence other fà °ctors such à °s mà °rketing à °nd business plà °ns. Some online businesses mà °y need professionà °l help in mà °rketing, but only if they hà °ve not expertise within the teà °m. There fore it wà °s more importà °nt to recognise à °nd identify the shortcomings of the online business model before setting up the online business. This seemed to be à ° greà °ter determinà °nt of success, à °s à ° well-thought out business à °nd mà °rketing plà °n would à °nd should include experienced à °nd quà °lified personnel. The dissertà °tion à °lso highlighted the importà °nce of business pà °rtnerships especià °lly where the online business wà °s not à ° mà °nufà °cturer. Since the dà °wn of the internet, à ° lot of businesses à °nd individuà °ls set à °bout està °blishing online businesses in à ° bid to à °mà °ss mà °ssive profits. However, à °ccording to Crà °ine (2001) since the yeà °r 2000 à °pproximà °tely 200 online businesses went out of the business à °ccounting for more thà °n 50% of business closures. This high fà °ilure rà °te is of concern to the business à °nd finà °ncià °l community; à °s such closures will à °lso à °ffect stock mà °rkets à °nd shà °res. Some of the online
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